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Impact Center Café

The Impact Center Café is open to the community. We offer coffee, cappuccinos, smoothies, protein shakes, drinks, snacks, and FREE WiFi.

The Café is open during regular Impact Center hours. Stop by, grab a cup of coffee, and fellowship for a while.


Monday, March 10th - 11:30 am- 1 pm- Fried Chicken Breast, Rice & Gravy, Green Beans, Biscuit, Tea & Dessert $8.50

Wednesday, March 12th - 4:30 - 6 pm - Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Speckled Butter Beans, Roll, Tea & Dessert $8.50 (adults) $5.00 (children)

Pick-up Meal: Thursday, March 6th - Poppyseed Chicken, Rice, Green Beans, Rolls, ½ Gallon of Tea $35 (meal for 6) $20 (entree only). To order, call 864-859-9854 by 5 pm on Wed., 3/5.

Business Professionals' Luncheon: Thursday, March 20th - Hamburger Steak, Cheesy Ranch Potatoes, Salad, Roll, Tea & Dessert Or Chef Salad, Roll, Tea & Dessert. This is open to everyone! To reserve your spot, call 864-442-2225 by 5 pm on Wed., 3/19.

Community Breakfast: 8 - 10am on March 29th. Everyone is welcome. Adults: $8.50 || Children: $5