Welcome to the Impact Center, a Ministry of Rock Springs Baptist Church
The purpose of the Impact Center is to provide opportunities to participate in character-building recreational activities conducted in a Christian setting. All programs, events, and leadership will focus on leading the lost to Christ, challenging believers to a closer walk with Jesus, and promoting fellowship within the local body of believers. As a Christian ministry, our goal is to honor Jesus in all that we do through our recreation ministry and the Impact Center. Please stop by to request a staff-guided tour of the facility. We look forward to seeing you!

Our Purpose
- A place of Christian fellowship
- A way to share our Christian witness
- A way to build relationships and reach out to our community
- A ministry opportunity to share our time and talents as volunteers
Our Mission
Growing Christ-Centered relationships through fitness and fellowship.
Membership Guidelines and Policies
General Facilities Policies
- Participants should report any injury or inappropriate activity to the staff.
- Do not allow unauthorized persons to enter any of the areas that have card access security. If someone does not have an access card that is able to unlock the door, direct him or her to the front desk for assistance.
- Please refrain from wearing perfume, heavily-scented lotion, or cologne. Such fragrances trigger allergic reactions.
- No one may teach, train or help others in the facility for pay outside of approved trainers or class leaders.
- Profanity, degrading language and inappropriate actions will not be tolerated.
- Use of tobacco, vapes, alcohol, or controlled substances is prohibited in the Impact Center and on all church grounds.
Guidelines for Attire
- All shorts must be longer than fingertip length. If loose-fitting shorts are not longer than fingertip length, compression shorts that are longer than fingertip length or leggings must be worn under the shorts. Compression shorts are suggested for both men and women.
- Anyone wearing tights, leggings, spandex, yoga pants or compression shorts must wear loose-fitting shorts, a cover/wrap, or a long shirt over them.
- Shirts or tank tops that reveal the chest area are not permitted. All sleeve- less shirt straps must equal at least the width of two fingers.
- Undergarments such as bras, boxers and underwear should not be visible.
- Keep chest, waist, and hip areas covered.
- Clothing advocating gangs, cigarettes/tobacco or alcohol is not allowed.
- Foul or offensive language displayed on clothing is not permitted.
Age Policy
All members and guests must abide by all Guidelines and Policies.
Age 18 and older (responsible adult)
- An adult takes full responsibility for his or her own actions.
- When a responsible adult brings someone who is 14 or younger, he/she must be responsible for the youth’s conduct and must not leave the youth unattended.
- When a responsible adult brings GUESTS who are 17 or younger, he/she must have a GUEST form signed by the guest’s parent or legal guardian (see Guest Policy for more details).
- Must be signed up for membership by his/her parent or legal guardian
- May enter the Impact Center on his/her own after becoming a member
- Must be accompanied at all times by a responsible adult
- After completing the Youth Exercise Prep class and obtaining proper membership, he/she may use the Fitness Room with a responsible adult
- May use the walking track, courts (with proper membership) and take classes (class fees apply) with a responsible adult
- Must be accompanied at all times by a responsible adult
- May use the walking track, courts (with proper membership) and take classes (class fees apply, the youngest age for class is age 8) with a responsible adult
- Must not enter the Fitness Room at any time
Guest Policy
All guests must sign in at the front desk.
- Group exercise class fees and special program fees apply.
- Impact Center members may bring up to two guests at a time to use the walking track, the courts, and the Fitness Room according to the type of membership the current member has.
- Each guest may visit a maximum of two times.
- Guests age 17 and younger, must have a guest form signed by the guest’s parent or legal guardian before participating in any activity.
- Additional guests and allowances must have prior approval from the Center Supervisor.
- The Impact Center member is responsible for the behavior of his/her guests. All members and guests must abide by all of the Guidelines and Policies.
Walking and Jogging Track
- Walkers should use the inside lanes and joggers/runners should use the outside lanes according to the directional arrows.
- Walking and/or jogging on the basketball court is permissible upon request at the front desk when circumstances allow it.
- Strollers are allowed on the track while it is not crowded.
- Proper walking/running shoes are strongly recommended.
- Athletic equipment is not allowed on the track.
Fitness Room
- Each person should complete an orientation session prior to using the equipment. Visit the staff at the front desk to schedule an appointment.
- Follow the specific instructions for proper use on each piece of equipment.
- Each person should wipe down the equipment after use with the wipes from the dispensers.
- During high traffic times, use of cardiovascular machines should be limited to 30 minutes per participant when others are waiting.
- Please report any unsafe machine use or improperly functioning equipment to the staff at the front desk.
- Sandals and other open-toed shoes are not permitted in the Fitness Room.
- No gym bags may be placed on the Fitness Room floor.
- No heavy equipment is to be moved by anyone except Impact Center staff.
Locker Rooms & Dressing Areas
- No locks are to be left on lockers at the end of the day.
- Locks remaining at the end of the day will be cut off.
- The staff and volunteers of the Impact Center are not responsible for articles left in the building or in the lockers unsecured or overnight.
Group Exercise Room
- Group exercise classes are led by an instructor and have a class fee to participate. See current schedule for fees, times and descriptions.
- The room is reserved for scheduled classes, activities or programs that are approved by the Center Supervisor or the Fitness Trainer.
- During unscheduled times, members with a current Fitness Room membership may use the Group Exercise Room by requesting permission from the front desk staff to enter. Age and Guest Policies apply.
- Equipment should not be removed from the room without permission from the Fitness Trainer.
- For safety, only fitness instructors who are approved by the Fitness Trainer or the Center Supervisor may lead a group exercise class.
Enforcement of Guidelines and Policies
The Center Supervisor, staff and/or authorized volunteers will be responsible for interpreting and enforcing all rules.
The Impact Center Guidelines and Policies may be revised as needed.
Any situation not specifically covered in this list of policies will be dealt with as the need arises at the discretion of the Center Supervisor, staff and/or authorized volunteers.
The Center Supervisor, staff and/or authorized volunteers have the right and responsibility to remove anyone from the facility who fails to abide
by any of the facility policies.
The Impact Center is a ministry facility of Rock Springs Baptist Church; therefore the Impact Center schedule, guidelines and policies will be
approved through the office of Rock Springs Baptist Church.
Basketball / Pickleball / Volleyball Courts
- Only court shoes are allowed on the gym floors. Skates, cleats, turf shoes and hard-soled shoes such as heels and boots are not permitted.
- No personal basketballs may be used.
- Grabbing/hanging from a basketball goal, and grabbing/pulling a basketball, volleyball or Pickleball net is not permitted.
- No dunking except during regulation basketball games.
- Any and all portable equipment will be set up by qualified staff or authorized volunteers only.
- No food or drink, other than bottled water, is allowed past the gym doors when the vinyl floor covering is not in place.
- Court memberships will not be extended or refunded due to closures for church-related events.
- FEES/RESERVATIONS for any court are required.
The use of the Impact Center, all equipment and property will be at the risk of the participant.
The staff and volunteers of the Impact Center do not assume responsibility for any participant, nor do they make any expressed or implied warranty
of the premises, equipment, machinery, fixtures, or furniture.
All persons participating in the physical fitness activities of the Impact Center should be in good health or should consult their physician before participating in such activities.